Saturday, October 25, 2008
sleeping before comp
allen and qi wen, the most
my first week of attachment, well, ITS BAD. we are treat as a technicians. walking around suntec towers everyday. and im dying of secondhand smoking. the technician drag me out to smoke every time he wanna swim. im going to stay farrrrrrr. but, ha, they are slackers, lucky me. but still i wish of a office job rather then walking around. damn bored. 5 days of walking and i already know suntec inside out. lol. its seems so big, but so small to me now. haha. and. i rather stay in honeywell office. CAUSE , its near to school. haha.
i need to plan, plan and plan. shitty. too many things going on. i need to step out more, fast.
i need to move.
oh shitty again. going to be in debt soon, too much spending.
i miss training. tot will be office gaining weight. but now, walk around . lose more weight=(